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你好!这是我的塞尔达传说 4K 材质包页面:Majora 的面具 3D! 




  • 游戏中总共有大约 6000 种独特的纹理。在这些纹理中,有数百个已被完全重新构造。许多其他纹理已使用 AI 放大进行了放大。一些过滤后的纹理已被修改或完全更改以看起来也更好。在我对它们进行处理之前,有些纹理保持完全不变,因为有些纹理在放大时看起来很糟糕。

  • 最终目标是从头开始重新制作每一个纹理!

  • 我完全愿意接受建议、更改和提交。当然,您提交的任何作品都将完全归功于您。

  • 纹理包的 4K 版本缩放为默认分辨率的 8 倍,这意味着(如果 Citra 中的内部分辨率增加)您可以以惊人的 6832x3480 分辨率查看某些纹理! 1080p 版本缩放到默认分辨率的 4 倍,结果略高于 1080p。

  • 我对这个材质包的目标是增强原始游戏的视觉效果,同时忠于最初的愿景.这意味着我的纹理应该尽可能多地融入旧纹理,这样游戏感觉就不会改变。

  • 此材质包适用于塞尔达传说:Majora 的面具 3D仅限任天堂 3DS.没有计划将其移植到 N64 版本。

  • 此材质包适用于任何自定义模组/ Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D hacks 只要他们不添加新纹理或更改旧纹理(在这种情况下,冲突的纹理将被彼此覆盖,但它仍然有效)。

  • 材质包中包含 Citra 模拟器的自定义预设版本使设置尽可能简单和轻松(以秒为单位开始!)


  • 没有可用的 60 FPS 补丁到目前为止。但是,您可以在具有主动帧插值的现代电视上玩游戏以获得伪造的 60 FPS,但代价是增加输入延迟。


  • 目前,仅修改了 NTCS 和 PAL 纹理.你仍然可以在 Citra 的日文/韩文游戏版本上使用这个材质包,它仍然有效。不过,这将不包括 Jap/Kor 地区特定的纹理。

  • 如果您不喜欢我的材质包在原始版本上的外观,请注意所有后期处理都可以在用户之间轻松修改,以适应您自己的喜好,您可以根据自己的喜好制作它.在游戏中按键盘上的“HOME”键打开 ReShade 菜单,您可以在其中根据自己的喜好编辑后期处理!


为什么我要在 N64 版本上玩这个?


您想要玩 3DS 版的 Zelda: Majora's Mask with HD Texture Pack 而不是旧的 N64 版本的原因有很多。以下是我列出的一些内容;


  • 更好的视觉效果(更高分辨率的纹理、更高质量的模型、景深、环境遮挡、全局照明、色调映射、后期处理着色器、更高的帧率,甚至未来的光线追踪!)

  • 适用于项目修复,它在几个方面增强了游戏的 3DS 版本超越 N64 版本。

  • 支持来自塞尔达传说:Majora 的面具重新编排项目!

  • 安卓支持 (还有 Nvidia Shield、Steamdeck、Aya NEO 等)

  • MacOS 支持(也适用于 Apple Silicon)

  • Linux 支持

  • 非常容易安装和使用

  • 立体 3D 支持

  • 生活质量改善

  • 用于瞄准的可选陀螺仪和运动控制 而这样的例子不胜枚举...


How is the texture pack made? How is this possible?

Lots of people have been asking how the textures and the texture pack is made, and how it works! So here's a (relatively) comprehensive explanation on how I make the 4K textures and how the workflow works! (If you're not interested feel free to just skip this section)


  • I make the textures using a combination of methods. I usually rework the textures by hand in Photoshop by compositing native 4K textures with an upscaled texture as a reference, usually in the background so that colors can be matched from it to the high res images. It's almost like making a collage, in a way. Then I do this over and over again for every texture, pretty much! Oftentimes I refer to concept art or official artwork to get closer to the "intended vision".

  • It all depends on what kind of texture it is of course, some need more work than others, things like the UI and text etc can take a very long time to get right. Important textures are also usually remade first since they're so obvious when you play the game!

  • The textures can then be loaded through texture injection in an emulator to replace the default textures with new ones on-the-fly- no modding is required at all!

Want to help contribute to these projects?

If so, thank you! Myself and lots of people would greatly appreciate your help making these projects shine even brighter. All contributed work will of course be credited, however not all submited textures might be included in the texture pack if they're not deemed a suitable fit for any reason. The most important thing is that textures are faithful to the original art style, and that they contain no copyrighted or otherwise illegal content before being distributed. Here are some specific core areas which are currently especially important in regards to contributed work;

  • UI and text translations (Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese)

  • UI icons and character portraits

  • ​Minor texture tweaks (mistake fixes or spelling corrections, for example)

  • High-quality, royalty free environment textures or material textures (PBR or otherwise) without watermarks.

©2025 Henriko Magnifico.

Nintendo, its products, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any references made to Nintendo or its intellectual property on this website are solely for descriptive purposes and do not imply any endorsement or affiliation with Nintendo.

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