目前,播放列表中僅播放我挑選的高品質任天堂音樂手。就音樂而言,我更喜歡質量而非數量-這就是為什麼現在只在這裡播放約7000首歌曲 (而不是100,000首隨機混音,翻唱或非任天堂歌曲)。我盡了最大的努力來製作多樣化且出色的播放列表來播放音樂。經常添加更多歌曲,敬請期待!
Nintendo Radio的一些簡潔功能;
• 很高的音頻質量 ,始終至少為320 kbit / s或更高( 通常從未壓縮的.FLAC流式傳輸 )。 比普通收音機或普通音樂流的質量高得多。
• 除非經過Nintendo自己的官方安排,否則 請 從官方配樂中 精心挑選Nintendo的歌曲 (沒有翻唱,改編,混音等)。
• 在聊天中為會員和顧客提供 現場歌曲請求 !
• 具有許多便捷有趣功能的 成熟聊天機器人 !在聊天中使用!day可以開始進行RP收集!
• 在所有主要流媒體平台(YouTube.com,Twitch.tv,Facebook Live)上進行 多流 !
• 觀眾之間 積極而尊重的聊天互動 !
這很容易!要請求您認為應該添加到Nintendo Radio播放列表中的遊戲歌曲或配樂,只需轉到 我的Discord服務器 ,然後仔細閱讀固定的註釋後,輸入遊戲歌曲或OST(遊戲名稱)在#song-requests-nintendo頻道的聊天中! 確保尚未添加歌曲或配樂,並且來自視頻遊戲而非電影/系列。
您的捐款完全支持該信息流!不用擔心,它是完全可選的,您甚至可以從捐贈中獲得一些好處(包括訪問僅用於捐贈者的Discord頻道,實時歌曲請求,聊天中的自定義表情等等 )。捐贈是通過YouTube會員資格 , Patreon , Paypal或SuperChat完成的!
YouTube成員資格: https : //www.youtube.com/channel/UCL5FK77d1MCeTtqEQMmmAnw/join
Patreon: https ://www.patreon.com/henrikomagnifico
貝寶: www.paypal.me/HenrikoMagnifico或henrikomagnifico@gmail.com
Deku Scrub [5000等級積分]
訪問!top 5和!top10命令[根據排名獲取前5/10名觀眾的列表。冷卻時間:60分鐘。全球冷卻時間:10/20分鐘]
Kokiri [15000等級積分]
訪問!hour [會向您發送一條消息,告知您該小時已訪問該流,並為您提供100排名積分。每小時使用它可以更快地排名!冷卻時間:1小時]
訪問!defuse [紅色,藍色,黃色]命令[炸彈清除遊戲!一共有三根電線,只有一根能使炸彈爆炸。切斷合適的導線,可以贏得很多RP!剪錯導線,您將失去500個等級積分。冷卻時間:45分鐘]
Rito [100000等級積分]
Gerudo [150000等級積分]
Hylian [250000排名積分]
自動授予頻道會員 。
感謝您支持 直播,可以 在聊天中 訪問 現場歌曲請求 以及其他一些好處。
點轉移 (如果需要,您可以將RP從一個帳戶轉移到另一個帳戶。每月最多一次。有關此操作,請與Discord上的Henriko Magnifico聯繫。)
來自搶劫小遊戲的 1.2倍RP獎金 !
是我,Henriko!我的名字在聊天室中是橙色,如果你在附近看到我,打個招呼! 👑
!help [提供有關流的簡短簡短介紹,以及如何開始使用命令。冷卻時間:1分鐘]
!info [提供此文檔的鏈接。冷卻時間:1分鐘]
!day [為您提供 當天 已訪問信息流的消息,並贈送您1000點排名積分。 每天都用它來排名! 冷卻時間:23小時]
!小時 [“ Kokiri”排名及以上的觀看者除外。向您發送一條消息,告知您該小時已訪問該流,並為您提供100個排名積分。 每小時使用它來排名更快! 冷卻時間:1小時]
!rank [顯示您當前的排名和排名點。沒有冷卻時間。]
!rankreq [查看需要排名的排名點。冷卻時間:10分鐘]
!boss [允許您和其他觀眾與老闆戰鬥,並獲得豐厚的獎勵(排名得分!)。您打的老闆取決於參加戰鬥的觀眾人數!冷卻時間:30分鐘]
!ffa [“ Deku Scrub”排名及以上的觀眾除外。最少3人免費。一開始您總是準確地放置100個等級積分。一個人贏了,得到了所有的錢!)。冷卻時間:30分鐘]
搶劫 [放置數量] [工作原理與!boss類似,但您必須在開始之前放置1-2000個等級積分。如果您贏了,您將獲得回報的125%,否則您將輸掉一開始的錢。冷卻時間:60分鐘]
!duel [查看者姓名] [排在“ Sheikah”及以上級別的 查看者 專有。決鬥另一位玩家,兩位玩家在鍋中放置250個自己的得分點。獲勝的玩家獲得底池中的所有積分)。冷卻時間:10分鐘]
!position [使用此命令可基於排名點查看您所處的位置。冷卻時間:10分鐘]
!top5 [根據排名獲得前5名觀眾的列表。冷卻時間:60分鐘。全球冷卻時間:10分鐘]
!top10 [根據排名獲得前10名觀眾的列表。冷卻時間:60分鐘。全球冷卻時間:20分鐘]
!defuse [紅色,藍色,黃色] [炸彈消除遊戲!一共有三根電線,只有一根能使炸彈爆炸。切斷合適的導線,可以贏得很多RP!剪錯導線,您將失去500等級積分。冷卻時間:45分鐘]
!voteskip [投票以跳過當前歌曲。跳過一首歌曲所需的最低票數是使用!voteskip命令的並發觀眾的5%。沒有冷卻時間。]
!voteantiskip [投票為不跳過當前歌曲。通過在所需的跳過選票中添加+1來跳過歌曲。沒有冷卻時間。]
!cookies [您將一個cookie添加到您的cookie罐中!您目前還不能對他們做任何事情,但是將來您可能會做! :wink:冷卻時間:24小時]
!currentsong [檢查當前正在播放的歌曲(不考慮延遲)!冷卻時間:3分鐘]
!previoussong [檢查最後播放的歌曲(不考慮延遲)!冷卻時間:3分鐘]
!playlistlength [檢查 播放列表 的當前長度!冷卻時間:5分鐘]
!queuelength [檢查請求的歌曲隊列的當前長度!冷卻時間:5分鐘]
!songrequest [歌曲名] [請求整個播放列表中的任何歌曲,然後播放。如果使用!confirm確認歌曲,則它將被添加到歌曲隊列中。冷卻時間:60分鐘]
!patreonrequest [歌曲名稱] [與!songrequest相同,只是忠於Patreon的讚助人!兩個命令之間的冷卻時間是共享的,因此如果您可以同時訪問這兩個命令,則每小時不能請求多首歌曲。冷卻時間:60分鐘]
!nextsong [如果使用請求命令時顯示的歌曲不是您想要的,則可以使用此命令嘗試其他歌曲!沒有冷卻時間。]
!確認 [使用此按鈕確認您的歌曲請求。沒有冷卻時間。]
晚上! [工作原理就像!天,現在您的每日排名積分提高了兩倍!冷卻時間:23小時。]
No specific benefits. Access to some default commands like !info, !rank, !day, !boss, and !rankreq.
Unranked (Default Rank)
Deku Scrub (5000 Coins)
Access to the !ffa command (A free for all with a minimum of 3 people. You always place exactly 100 Coins at the start. One person wins and gets all the money in the pot!). Cooldown: 30 minutes)
Access to the !top5 and !top10 commands [Get a list of the top 5/10 viewers based on coins. Cooldown: 60 minutes. Global cooldown: 10/20 minutes]
Kokiri (15000 Coins)
Access to the !hour command (Gives you a message that you have visited the stream that hour and gifts you 100 Coins. Use this every hour to rank up even quicker! Cooldown: 1 hour)
Sheikah (25000 Coins)
Access to the !duel command (Duel another player and earn 250 coins if you win, or lose 250 if you fail). Cooldown: 10 minutes)
Zora (40000 Coins)
Access to the !defuse [red, blue, yellow] command (A bomb defuse game! There are three wires and only one will defuse the bomb. Cut the right wire to win a lot of coins! Cut the wrong wire and you will lose 500 coins). Cooldown: 45 minutes)
Goron (70000 Coins)
No special access added yet!
Rito (100000 Coins)
No special access added yet!
Gerudo (150000 Coins)
No special access added yet!
Hylian (250000 Coins)
No special access added yet!
Ganondorf (500000 Coins)
Eligible to become a protector and moderator of the stream. Comes with many responsibilities and can be revoked at any time. This does not mean you can just go about banning people, swearing in chat or bypassing any of the stream rules.
Demise (750000 Coins)
Create your own boss that can be fought using !boss
You can add a boss for every 750000 coins you have!
You can decide the max / min amount of participants for your boss, as well as other "stats".
Sage (1000000 Coins)
Access to the !cookies command (You get a cookie added to your cookie jar! You can then type !eatcookie (12 hour cooldown) and something special will happen! Cooldown: 24 hours)
Sponsor (Member/Patreon):
Granted automatically to channel Members.
Access to live song requests in chat and several other perks as thanks for supporting the stream!
Red Rupee donors or higher can add 1 custom song or more of your choosing to the playlist (as long as it fits the stream, see the criteria below) to the stream per month!
20000+ Coins (10000*$) added directly to your wallet!
Coin Transfer (you can transfer coins from one account to another, if you want to. Once per month maximum. Contact Henriko Magnifico on Discord regarding this action.)
Custom rupee emblem next to your name in the chat!
Access to 14 exclusive custom emotes in the chat!
1.25X Coin Bonus from heist minigames!
Patrons also get access to all the Patreon exclusive perks as well, including exclusive texture pack and music downloads. You can find more information about that here!
(Custom requests must follow certain criteria to be accepted, such as fitting the general "theme" of the stream and not be part of one of the blacklisted publishers list)
Moderates the chat!
Helps with behind-the-scenes stuff.
It’s me, Henriko! My name is orange in the chat, say hi if you see me around! 👑
I'm responsible for hosting the stream itself! I work on behind-the-scenes stuff most of the time so it's usually easier to get in touch with me on Discord.
General Commands
!commands [Provides a list of commands you can use. Use different numbers to get different pages of commands! Cooldown: 1 minute]
!currentsong [Check what song is currently playing (not accounting for delay)! Cooldown: 3 minutes]
!day [Gives you a message that you have visited the stream that day and gifts you 1000 Rank Points. Use this every day to rank up! Cooldown: 23 hours]
!hour [Exclusive to “Kokiri” ranked viewers and above. Gives you a message that you have visited the stream that hour and gifts you 100 Coins. Use this every hour to rank up even faster! Cooldown: 1 hour]
!ping [Check if the bot is up and running properly. Cooldown: 60 minutes]
!playlistlength [Check the current length of the playlist! Cooldown: 5 minutes]
!position [Use this command to see which position you’re in, based on rank points. Cooldown: 10 minutes]
!previoussong [Check what song last played (not accounting for delay)! Cooldown: 3 minutes]
!queuelength [Check the current length of the queue of requested songs! Cooldown: 5 minutes]
!rank [Shows your current rank and coins. No cooldown.]
!rankreq [See how many coins you need to rank up. Cooldown: 10 minutes]
!top5 [Get a list of the top 5 viewers based on coins. Cooldown: 60 minutes. Global Cooldown: 10 minutes]
!top10 [Get a list of the top 10 viewers based on coins. Cooldown: 60 minutes. Global Cooldown: 20 minutes]
Info Commands (5 minute cooldown unless otherwise stated)
!bosslist [Provides a list of bosses on Nintendo Radio that can be encountered with the !boss command!]
!bot [A short introduction to our chatbot ROB! Also used to let people know that ROB is a bot.]
!discord [Provides a link to Henriko’s Discord server!]
!fixes [Provides a link to a changelog of radio fixes Davis Bradwell/DBradwell55 has made!]
!follow [Provides a link to subscribe to the channel!]
!help [Provides a short and sweet introduction to the stream and how to get started using commands. Cooldown: 1 minute]
!howtorequest [Lets you know how to request songs on the radio! Cooldown: 1 minute]
!info [Provides a link to this document. Cooldown: 1 minute]
!memberinfo [Provides a link to become a member of the channel! Cooldown: 1 minute]
!merch [Provides a link to Henriko merch!]
!minecraft [Gives information on Henriko’s Minecraft server!]
!notnintendo [Provides a short explanation for why some games that don’t seem to be Nintendo are on the radio!]
!patreon [Provides a link to become a patron for Henriko over on Patreon!]
!playlist [Provides a link to the radio playlist!]
!coinsneeded [Gives a list of commands that you must reach a certain amount of coins to use!]
!rp [Since roleplaying is no longer allowed on Nintendo Radio, this command links to Henriko’s Discord server where roleplaying is allowed!]
!rules [Provides a link to the chat’s rules!]
!spreadtheword [Encourages you to spread the radio to your friends and family!]
!timestamps [Explains YouTube timestamps and how useful they can be to your chat experience!]
Cookies Commands (999,999 RP and above only)
!cookies [You get a cookie added to your cookie jar! You can do some special things with cookies, which are listed below! Cooldown: 24 hours]
!eatcookie [You eat a cookie from your cookie jar, and something special happens! Cooldown: 12 hours. The event can be:
A cookiegame happens! Explained further in !cookiegame (if you have >10 cookies).
A Yoshi song gets added to the queue! (if you have <10 cookies)
You get 2-4 more cookies than you started with!
You get a cookierequest! Explained further in !cookierequest.
You get to hear a fun fact!
!cookiegame [Bowser appears and threatens to take 5 of your cookies! You will either have to guess a dice roll or a coin flip (heads only) to get your cookies back! You type !cookiegame (heads) or (1-6) to play and try to return your cookies. No cooldown.]
!cookieinfo [Shows your current cookie count and number of cookie requests. Cooldown: 5 minutes]
!cookierequest [An unrestricted request that ignores all song cooldowns and has no cooldown itself! This does not mean you can request the same song to play several times in a row, please use this power courteously.]
Minigame Commands
!boss [Allows you and other viewers to fight a boss with the chance of a nice reward (in coins!). The boss you fight is based on the number of viewers that join the battle! Cooldown: 30 minutes]
!heist (amount to place) [Works similar to !boss but you must place a sum of 1-2000 coins before it starts. If you win you get your bet plus 125% of what you placed in return, otherwise you simply lose what you placed at the start). Cooldown: 60 minutes]
!ffa [Exclusive to “Deku Scrub” ranked viewers and above. A free for all with a minimum of 3 people. You always place exactly 100 Coins at the start. One person wins and gets all the coins in the pot!). Cooldown: 30 minutes]
!duel (viewer name) [Exclusive to “Sheikah” ranked viewers and above. Duel another player and both players place 250 of their own coins in a pot. The player who wins get all the coins in the pot). Cooldown: 10 minutes]
!defuse (red, blue, yellow) [Exclusive to “Zora” ranked viewers and above. A bomb defuse game! There are three wires and only one will defuse the bomb. Cut the right wire to win 1250-1750 coins! Cut the wrong wire and you will lose 500 coins. Cooldown: 45 minutes]
Member/Patron-Exclusive Commands:
!songrequest [song name] [Members Only - Request any of the songs in the entire playlist to be played next. If you confirm the song using !confirm, it will be added to the song queue. Cooldown: 60 minutes]
!patreonrequest [song name] [Patrons Only - Same as !songrequest but for loyal Patrons on Patreon! The cooldown between both commands is shared so you can not request more than one song per hour if you have access to both. Cooldown: 60 minutes]
!nextsong [If the song that shows up when using the request command isn’t what you wanted, you can use this command to try a different song! No cooldown.]
!confirm [Use this to confirm your song request. No cooldown.]
!night [Members Only - Works just like !day, now you get twice the daily coins! Cooldown: 23 hours.]