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欢迎来到 HenrikoCraft 服务器!




  • 真正影響環境的全球季節!

  • 溫度系統 影響遊戲性!

  • 嚴格的無悲傷和無欺凌政策!

  • 可製作的抓鉤!

  • 裝甲鞘翅!

  • 袖珍信標!

  • 沒有世界重置:你建造的東西會留下來!

  • 高玩家互動!

  • 一個擴展的調平系統 獲得新技能!

  • 移動門、推拉門、 波爾圖利斯  吊橋!

  • 玩家維護的交易系統 玩家可以在這里為其他玩家創建工作以完成付款!

  • 自定義項目 和結界!

  • 社區活動!

  • 經驗豐富且優秀的員工!

  • 始終保持最新狀態!

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無論您是使用Java或基岩版-服務器的工作原理上都一樣。也就是說,它工作得很好。從您的 PC、手機或控制台加入,無需額外的努力!沒有人被遺棄!

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  • 一個具有挑戰性平衡的生存體驗!

  • 一個探索創造力的創意世界!

  • 免費收集化妝品,如顆粒、寵物、帽子等!

  • 沒有付費或 VIP 等級或津貼。 一切都是免費的!

  • 經常更新和新增!


端口:25565(如果您使用的是基岩版,則為 19132!)

加入我們的 Discord 服務器!

3D Map
Important info & FAQ



  • 您可以通過在其內部或周圍創建一個城鎮,然後聲明其所在的土地來輕鬆保護您的建築。 要創建城鎮,只需在 chat /t new [town name here] 中輸入命令。然後它應該在聊天中說你已經用你指定的名字創建了一個新城鎮!

  • 從那裡,要聲明該區域以保護它,請使用命令/t claim 同時站在你想聲稱的地方 然後它將保護您輸入命令時所站位置周圍的 16x16 區域。在不同位置多次執行此操作,直到操作欄(遊戲中心形上方的文字)不再顯示“ ~ 荒野”而是說你的城鎮的名字,或者“ ~” “。那麼你就知道你已經安全地佔領了你的土地!

How To Protect
How do seasons work


  • 服務器提供適當的季節,隨著氣候和季節變化的變化,實際上會以各種方式影響遊戲玩法! 季節會根據現實生活中的季節自動變化,每個季節大約持續 3 個月。一些季節性影響包括;

  • 冬天下雪,除了叢林或沙漠等炎熱的生物群落。

  • 冬天的溫度很低,所以有必要讓自己暖和起來,以免受到嚴重的減益。做到這一點的方法包括穿著保暖的衣服(皮甲)、靠近熱源(如火把、營火、熔岩等)或劇烈運動(如跑步、砍柴等)

  • 水在冬天會變成冰,在春天又會融化。

  • 在夏天,情況正好相反 如果您在陽光下時間過長,您會變得很熱,並且必須以不同的方式使自己涼爽。穿盔甲並不總是有益的,因為它會讓你在夏季和春季更熱。

  • 夏秋兩季作物長得快, 冬天長得慢。

  • 冬天的生物會在冬天生成,夏天會生成夏天。比如冬天的北極梨、狼和雪人,夏天的鸚鵡和熊貓。

  • 春天會經常開花。

  • 秋天會下更多雨

  • 還有更多細節……

💰我如何賺錢? (我為什麼要這樣做?)

  • 賺錢是與其他玩家進行交易和擴大城鎮領土的重要方式。

  • 通過鍵入 /money 來檢查您有多少錢。

  • 你可以,或通過投票每24小時一次對一個或所有三個可用的服務器列表中購買你的城市更要求塊通過使用遊戲中的貨幣,你可以通過出售項目給其他玩家或者實現輕鬆使用您可以通過在遊戲中的聊天中輸入 /voteall 來訪問,如果您在所有三個網站上投票, 每天總共可以獲得 600 美元的遊戲內貨幣。

  • 強烈建議投票,因為它有助於傳播有關我們服務器的信息,使其在公共服務器列表中的位置更高,以便更多人可以找到它!

  • 你也可以花錢買其他東西,比如在重生區購買你自己聲稱的地塊來建立你自己的商店等等。您還可以將錢存入您城鎮的錢包以進一步擴展索賠,並解鎖更多功能,如前哨、國家等!

How to earn money
Server Rules


  1. 尊重每一個人,包括工作人員。

  2. 合乎道德,使用常識。

  3. 不允許破壞、掠奪或偷竊土地將受到永久禁令的懲罰。

  4. 不要乞求物品(或津貼)。

  5. 不要使用誹謗或貶義詞。

  6. 不要使用可能會給您帶來不公平優勢的作弊、黑客或漏洞攻擊其他玩家。

  7. 您對自己的行為負責。如果您離開基地無人認領,您不能期望工作人員提供全額補償。

  8. 這不是 PVP 服務器。事先確保其他玩家對戰鬥沒有問題。


  • 要制作抓钩,请按照下图所示的图案在工作台内组合一根钓鱼竿和三个铁锭。

  • 抓钩默认有 20 次使用,但可以使用金锭、钻石甚至下界合金进行升级以增加使用次数!

  • 要使用抓钩,只需抛出绳索,然后在“浮子”降落在适当的位置后右键单击以将自己朝它发射。这有点棘手,可能需要一些练习。

Craft Grappling Hooks
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How to use alchemy


  • 服务器的另一个独特功能是Alchemy 。它让您将两个项目组合在一起,只需将它们放入冒泡的大锅中即可创建一个新项目!

  • 首先,您必须创建一个大锅并装满水。接下来,将大锅放在某种热源(火、熔岩等)上方。几秒钟后大锅应该开始冒泡,然后你就知道它准备好了!

  • 接下来, 加入两种或更多成分,如果你做得对,结果应该会从大锅里跳出来!

  • 一些食谱需要“ 精华”,你可以在拿着“ 精华小瓶”的同时右键单击实体来获得它,你可以用3 个玻璃板制作它(与普通瓶子的图案相同



  • 1x 甜菜根:1x 甜菜根种子 + 4x 骨粉

  • 1x 小麦:1x 小麦种子 + 4x 骨粉

  • 1x 南瓜:1x 南瓜子 + 4x 骨粉

  • 1x 瓜:1x 瓜子 + 4x 骨粉

  • 1x 甜菜根汤:1x 碗 + 4x 甜菜根

  • 1x 炖蘑菇:1x 碗 + 1x 棕色 + 1x 红色蘑菇

  • 1x 炖兔肉:1x 碗 + 1x 棕色/红色蘑菇 + 1x 熟兔肉 + 1x 烤土豆

  • 4x 发光浆果:4x 甜浆果 + 1x 萤石粉

  • 2x 发酵蜘蛛眼:1x 蜘蛛眼 + 1x 棕色蘑菇 + 1x 糖

  • 2x 萤石粉:1x 煤 + 1x 红石

  • 8x 混凝土:8x 混凝土粉末 + 1x 砾石(所有 16 种变体)

  • 1x 绿宝石:500 村民精华 + 1 钻石

  • 1x 烈焰棒:50 烈焰精华 + 1 棒

  • 1x 恶魂之泪:250 恶魂精华 + 1 个铁块

  • 2x 火药:50 苦力怕精华 + 1 红石

  • 1x 墨囊:25 鱿鱼精华 + 1 黑色染料

  • 1x 萤光墨囊:50 鱿鱼精华 + 1 萤石

  • 3x皮革:250牛精+4腐肉

  • 2x 龟蛋:100 龟精 + 1 个蛋

  • 1x 海洋之心:250 海豚精华 + 4 鹦鹉螺壳

  • 4x 蜂窝:1 个蜂蜜瓶 + 1 个糖

  • 8x 砾石:8 圆石 + 1 燧石

  • 8x 沙子:8 个砾石 + 1 个燧石

  • 8x 下界砖:8 石砖 + 8 下界岩

How to rank up


  • 排名是您獲得更多服務器功能的方式,作為對服務器和我們社區保持奉獻精神的獎勵!

  • 你會根據你的遊戲時間和其他一些標準自動排名,比如你放置了多少塊以及你總共收集了多少 XP。

  • 您可以通過在聊天中輸入 /autorank check 手動檢查這些標準以及您的遊戲時間。

  • 排名如下;

List of ranks an perks


  • 每個玩家開始時的默認排名。它沒有特殊的特權,但可以使用服務器必須提供的所有基本功能。


  • 標準: 總遊戲時間超過 2 小時 + 移動 100 個塊。

  • 特權: 可以創建和使用玩家商店。


  • 標準: 總遊戲時間超過 8 小時 + 移動 1000 個塊。

  • 福利: 可以使用 /sethome 創建 2 個房屋,而不僅僅是一個。獲得 $2500 作為獎金。


  • 標準: 100+ 小時的總遊戲時間 + 5000 塊移動。

  • 特權: 可以創建1 個動畫門或橋,可以使用紅石激活。可以在他們的情節上設置任何自定義情節標誌,包括特殊的遊戲規則、生物群落、產卵或天氣條件。獲得 $5000 作為獎金。


  • 標準: 總遊戲時間超過 200 小時 + 移動 10000 個塊。

  • 福利: 可以使用 /sethome 創建 3 個房屋, 而不僅僅是一個。最多可以創建3 個動畫門或橋樑,也可以遠程切換它們。獲得 $10000 作為獎金。


  • 標準: 總遊戲時間超過 400 小時 + 移動 50000 個塊。

  • 福利: 最多可以有3 個獨立的地塊 可以使用 /sethome 設置最多5 個單獨的房屋。 最多可以創建10 個動畫門或橋樑,還可以自動關閉門。獲得$25000 作為獎金 在聊天中獲取自定義格式的暱稱。


  • Criteria: 800+ hours of total play time + 500000 blocks moved + 400 votes + 500 fish caught + 1000 sheep sheared + 95 advancements + 100 cake slices eaten + 500 deaths + 2500 MCMMO Power Level.

  • Perks: Gets access to the commands; /workbench, /loom, /anvil, /cartographytable, /grindstone and /smithingtable, /stonecutter. Gets $50,000 as a bonus

Towny Guide
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🏰What is Towny? And why should I use it?

  • Towny is a primary plugin used on our server to let players claim and protect land, builds, chests and other precious things from outsider modification.

  • Learning how to make or join a town and how to claim the land around it is crucial information for any player who doesn't want to risk their property being griefed or stolen.

  • Towns can consist of just one person or as many people as you like. Inviting more people to join your own will make it more powerful, and grants more available claim blocks and increased negotiation power over other towns.

🔨How to make a town and how to claim land

  • To make your own town, find the location where you want your town to be located at (usually this is your base) and type the command /t new (townname) in the chat.

  • If you have enough funds in your account (at least $250, the cost of a new town), the town will be created. Use the command /money to see your current funds.

  • From here, to claim and protect the area around your new town, use the command /t claim whilst standing in an unclaimed area (called "~Wilderness" as stated in the text above your item hotbar).

  • You must use the /t claim command once per every chunk around your town you want to claim. Every chunk you claim costs $50 from your town bank, and the price goes up for every extra claim you make.

  • The amount of chunks you can claim varies depending on your town power (how many people are in your town) as well as how many bonus claim blocks you have purchased (by using the command /town buy bonus (amount)).

  • To claim more land, you must deposit money into your town which will be deducted whenever you claim more land in your town. Use the command /t deposit (amount) to deposit money from your own fund into the town bank. Use /t withdraw (amount) to withdraw money.

  • Use /money to see your own personal balance, from which you are depositing money to/from the town's bank.

  • Any member of a town can do this, and it's usually advised that a town tax is to be set in place by the town's Mayor to ensure the town gets enough funding to extend it's claims!

📜Towny Commands & Explanations:

  • /t new (your town's name) -- Creates a town with that name, if you have the money to do so. Costs $250.

  • /t set name (new name) -- Renames your town. Costs $10.

  • /t add (name of player) -- Invite another player to your town.

  • /accept (your town's name) -- Join a town you've been invited to.

  • /t invite -(name of player) -- Cancel a sent player invite to your town.

  • /t leave -- Leave the town you're in.

  • /t kick (name of player) -- Kick a player from your town.

  • /t set perm off -- Prevent residents (members) in your town from building or using containers. This is useful when making a town which utilizes player plots which residents can buy (or rent for a fee) from the town.

  • /t claim -- To claim a chunk. Costs $50.

  • /t claim outpost -- Claims a chunk that is not adjacent from any chunk neighboring the town "Home" chunk. Costs $1000.

  • /t unclaim -- Unclaims / abandons a chunk.

  • /t buy bonus (number of chunks) -- Buy extra claim chunk. Costs $250. Exponential cost.

  • /t deposit (amount of money) -- Manually transfer money from their balance to the town bank any time. Any resident in a town can use this command at any time.

  • /plot forsale (price) -- Used by the Mayor whilst standing in a claimed chunk to create a plot that can be sold to a resident.

  • /plot claim -- Any resident can type whilst standing in a plot to buy it for the set price. The money is transferred from the resident's balance to the town bank.

  • /plot notforsale -- Can be used by the town Mayor to withdraw a plot from sale.

  • /plot unclaim -- Can be used by a town resident while standing on one of their own plots to remove ownership of it (to "unclaim" it).

  • /t spawn -- Teleport back to your town's spawnpoint.

  • /t set homeblock -- Change the location of your town's homeblock.

  • /t set spawn -- Change the location of the town's spawnpoint.

  • /t set perm (town permission level) (permission type) (on/off) -- Configure general town permissions for all unowned town plots in the town

  • /plot set perm (town permission level) (permission type) (on/off) -- Configure individual town permissions for the unowned town plot you are standing on.

  • /res set perm (plot permission level) (permission type) (on/off) -- Configure resident permissions for all your owned resident plots.

  • /plot set perm (plot permission level) (permission type) (on/off) -- Configure plot permissions for the resident plot you are standing on.

  • /t trust add (name of player) -- Trust a player with all claims of your town. Extremely risky, only use if you TRULY trust this player with your whole town.

  • /t trust remove (name of player) -- Remove trusted player from town.

  • /t set perm reset -- Reset your town's set permissions to the default.

🪜Permission Levels:

  • Permission levels are similar to the notion of groups, and they have a hierarchy. Unowned town plots have different permission levels from resident plots (owned town plots).

  • Town permission levels apply to unowned town plots:

  • Resident — Resident. All residents that are part of the town have a permission type in that unowned town plot.

  • Nation — Nation. All nation members of your own nation have a permission type in that unowned town plot.

  • Ally — Ally. All nation members of your allied nations have a permission type in that unowned town plot, but not nation members of your own nation.

  • Outsider — Outsider. All players except the ones listed above have access to a permission type in that unowned town plot.

  • Plot permission levels apply to resident plots:

  • Friend — Friend. All players in your friend list have a permission type in that resident plot.

  • Town — Town. All residents that are part of your town have a permission type in that resident plot.

  • Ally — Allied. All nation members of your nation and your allied nations have a permission type in that resident plot.

  • Outsider — Outsider. All players except the ones listed above have access to the permission type in that resident plot.


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